Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sacrificing for fallout 3

Ok maybe "sacrifice" is a bit too harsh here to say, but it's more like a come to Jesus moment.

Fallout 3 is a great game-- or atleast appears to be a great game if your computer doesn't 'zoink out' all the time with old software bitching about upgrades and of course the occasional cough..WPA validation..cough pop ups. If this was any other time-- id say so what, but crashing in the middle of wasting a ghoul just angered the friggen hell out of me that I rushed back over linux and qeued up a country western playlist I worked up a week ago (don't ask).

It was only then the realization that when I bought the OS for the HTPC I got two disks-- 1 32bit ed of Win XP and a 1 x64 bit ed. Well I already installed and authenticated the 32 bit licence, but not the other one. Now I know the problems with the 64 bit ed. and everyone says basically to stick with the 32 bit ed, but since my primary scoot around OS for daily use is linux and I'd only use winxp for games-- what the heck. I'll suffer.

So I backed up my XP Hard drive-- tossed in the x64 disk with a virgin product key and killed off the old xp particition that I've used for nearly ever. All without even thinking twice.

Now, as I blog my job as with every windows install in history is to install drivers and programs-- getting me all back to some sense of normality so I can play my dang copy of Fallout 3 (hopefully).

~J out

**edit 22:40- Just install nVidia drivers and now have my 1440 x 900 back whew! I felt like I was suffocating a little there

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