Friday, May 02, 2008


On May 1st (May Day), I printed off the final draft of my 29 page (48pgs total) Senior Thesis. I marched the copies right up the cobble stone path of Lewis and Clark college to the Miller Building. Then Up 4 flights of stairs to my professors door. I then got on one knee put them under the door-- got up-- walked out -- and Shouted "I'M DONE!!!"

Yep.. And! As you can see above I can FINALLY fill in the second eye on my Daruma doll. It's been nearly 2 years since I got that doll and filled in one eye. Now (for those who get it) I finally can give him his next eye. I'm sure in that Daruma way, he too, is smiling at me :)

Ahhhhh whew...

Now I just gotta survive till Graduation on Mother's day May 11th!
