Monday, April 23, 2007

A Silver bullet or a silver gun?

Today the news reel is raving about what congress should do to fix gun laws,
The congress is raving to the media that, "there is no silver bullet."

That that term "silver bullet" is a unique term to America. It refers to the idea that there's no one solution to the amassing problem, but if we dive back into pop-cultural history we know it also refers to the Hollywood portrayal of the only way one kills an immortal (like a vampire). This of course begs the question right?

Is America's gun law problems, education problems, health care problems, etc... immortals? or like vampires? i.e. sucking the life blood out of the country or are these problems too big to tackle therefore being America's immortal problems?

Seems to be that if a Hollywood-based analogy works to describe our problems, then we should look to Hollywood for a solution. Underworld 1&2 told us that you just need a bigger gun with lots of silver bullets or that you need someone who was both problem and resistance (vampire & warewolf). In that movie the young man had no clue that he could survive 2 bites and had to educated as to what his destiny was.

That word educated, if anyone has taken international relations or have had to analyze the growing problems in the third world, you've heard education as being one 'silver bullet' to alleviate the world's problems. The idea has been, generally, if you educate the Africans on birth control you can curb the aids epidemic. Well why not bring that idea here?

The new quest has been for us to "prevent another Chou" how can we do that without educating people first on the existing laws or methods to protect yourself from Chou like wackos? In no way am I saying education is the silver bullet, but rather I'm saying that before we shoot up schools with problem-fixing silver bullets we should first education the shooter (perhaps someone whose been bit by both politics and problem)... whom ever that may be.

just a thought

~J out

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