Monday, April 02, 2007

back from sping break

I'm back to the normal schedule now which means class -> (then) work.

Coming back or at least driving to school has given me an insight that is purely obvious, but not often appreciated.

Coming back to school and being in this 'intellectual atmosphere' gives me some regret over what I should have done over spring break. There in lies the problem 'eh? If I were working on paper outlines and research then it wouldn't be a break, but that flies like brick in air. The feeling of guilt over not doing what I should have and the anxiety of having to do what I must do (write papers, research, etc etc.) just builds up for overly stressed and vulnerable students.

It's almost inherent in humans to utilize 'so called break time' for it's original purpose. However, here I am stressing over what I must do in the next month. Teachers should recognize the plight of the student and devise a way to under stress us. I.e. it would be great if they could compound the guilt of not working on the papers one day and then the next let us run to the library and write up outlines and stuff... i.e. give us a break after THE BREAK.

I'm confident I'll work it out.. and... if all fails just to remember that after the first week of May it'll be over regardless. (unless I do summer sch.)

Btw.. blip with the last computer config. (it didn't boot up) so I switched the Mobo and now it works and runs really fast! :)

Good luck to Tink whose starting spring quarter.. here's the best of luck. (I got roughly a month left!)

~J out

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