Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thoughts unconsolidated

You ever have a topic that you've been scratching at that ends up being something that there's just wealth of info on? There's a point where you absorb and absorb to the point that it becomes impossible to consolidate it all. You have to start diving into it... Specializing it so that your research becomes more and more focused. It gets so focused that you can no longer really describe what all you've been doing. You over generalize it to people who ask, because to take time and tell them wouldn't be in their interests, nor yours. However, what if you were challenged to tell it, you were provoked or even forced to explain your research and what you've been up to all these months... Could you consolidate all that thought and specificity? Could you do it in 10 minutes?

The greater point is that there's a breaking point where you either have to live your life by getting yourself interested, but not so far in that you can't explain it all in 10 minutes.... Or... You can dive in and plunge into the depths of knowledge as far as you want, but you do it risking somebody forcing you to explain your studies in the lapse of 10 minutes.

Tough isn't it? Well this very thing is happening to me.. I've dived into something so specific that I'm having trouble condensing it into an all inclusive neat little 10 minute speech. It's not 11 minutes and certainly not an hour, just 10 minutes and if I refuse then all that work gets trashed until I find something I can do a 10 min speech on.

*Sigh*.. Perhaps I should take a break.. focus my thoughts.. and come up with the greatest News segment/half truth WOWIE so that I can just continue down this rabbit hole with a seemingly endless end.


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