Monday, August 27, 2007

Cookie Crumbles

As Alberto Gonzalez exits stage right from his brief public speech this morning the house of cards falls and there seems to be no more of the King's men to put this powerful kingdom back together again...

September will be one hot month.. If ever a time to turn around and retain some dignity from the mess in Iraq.. this would be it. All wouldn't be forgotten, but at least critics would understand the decision.

I fear the reality is that we'll never know why things happened as they did in those secret halls of the white house. "I'll let history decide my choices" Bush constantly reputes.. history, at least in the short, feels like its been shaped by some super power in a high rise in New York's media dominated sky rises or maybe its just that I watched too much Doctor Who.

If it came to pass that we've all been duped into thinking that we had a "liberal press" it wouldn't phase me. The truth.. er.. "the debate" seems to be whatever the person being grilled in the hotseat on political shows says it is. Either this lack of investigative journalism is due to some massive hand... changing the words & debates of the mainstream & non-mainstream media or reporters and anchormen alike are afraid of being "Dan Rather'd."

Either way.. I'm not satisfied with the debate.. The hard questions have yet to be pressed on the white house. If only there was a honest reporter that could get their hands on those secret tapes.. er I mean secret mp3's :) from the pres' goose egg shaped office.

~J out

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