Sunday, January 27, 2008
A Long Wii Coming
The quest for a Wii started well before a Wii was ever called a Wii. When the Wii was called "The Revolution" and ironically if you scout around Walmart's website you'll find some of their game descriptions still calling the Wii a Revolution :). Anyway... Once I heard the revolution was going to be spectacularly awesome, it was no question that I had to get a Wii/Revolution. In Japan it would premiere and I was totally psyched about getting the first one ever! Unfortunately, the Japanese Wii is not compatible with the US Wii games, thus my hopes of standing in line at 3-4am outside in Sapporo would be in vein. I vowed to get a Wii in the States as soon as I financially could.
Well, it took awhile. I actually got the money a good 3 months before Christmas, but "the craze" of getting a Wii kept every Wii off the shelves. I looked, but I always came up short by a few hours of the last one.
"This month would be different" I said. At the beginning of the month I was determined that the craze would settle and more Wii's would arrive. I was completely wrong of course! About a week into January I woke up, ate breakfast, and left the house at 9 or 10 and went to this Fred Meyers thinking "awe no one goes there!" and upon showing up I asked the manager, "Hey mister, got any Wii's?" "Sorry, we just sold the last one an hour ago check back in a month or so" manager said. What a disappointment!
Three or so weeks later on a Friday I dropped into a Freddies by my work to inquire on the next Wii shipment. The techy guy there said, "Yeah this Sunday all of us Freddies are gett'n 6" "does that include Vancouver stores?" I inquired, "Yeah I think so" he replied. That was Friday so my agenda was set for Sunday.
Saturday I couldn't second guess... I went to the targeted Freddies and quizzed them on the Wii raffle. He told me they hand out tickets at 6:45 and raffle off who can buy a Wii at 7am. This method keeps the ebay resellers and craiglists hogs on par to us regular Wii buyers. I suppose there's some merit here, but whatever.
So Today arrives... it's a big morning. Like I said I got up and headed out to the Freddies. When I arrived at 6:20 there wasn't anyone so I sat in my car and listened to NPR. Somebody showed up in a truck and headed out towards the door. It was a Dad with his young son who was dying to get a Wii (like *mii*). So I stood next to them and chatted.
Suffice to say that more people showed up (but not many) and there were people there with multiple scouts at other stores (like a three prong attack). People on cellphones talking with other people to see whose got their tickets and who had one.
Somewhere in the line was a Mom with two kids. I had thoughts that while I had been out there the longest, if I won and she didn't then I'd feel so bad that I'd be willing to wait another month. Those were probably morning thoughts since I know I wasn't in my right head.
At 6:45am some manager type with a coat and tie came out with a big roll of tickets. We all got one and put one in the bucket. He'd stand out with us as the chick in the electronics section got the Wii's out of the "vault." I remember waiting around praying no one but the 5 groups gathered there would show, but low and behold (like 5 sec left in a ebay deal) these pirates showed up.
At 7 we all rushed into the store, the guy with his kid found out over the cell that Mom had won one at the Hazel Dale store so he dropped out. We all stood in a simi circle as this chick dug in a fish bowl and pulled out tickets. Let me admit how embarrassingly stupid this all felt. It's 7am on a Sunday and I'm in Fred Meyers ecstatic to be picked to stand in line to buy a Wii for $250 + Tax. Yeah... I'm not "winning a wii" I'm winning a chance to buy a Wii! Never the less, it was exciting, very exciting. In fact, it was an adrenaline rush for video game junkies. She picked the first number and it went to some chick that just showed up.... There was a sigh of "what the?!"
The next three was from a group of guys my age all waiting like me. The fifth one went to the guy next to me, and the final ticket... the final ticket was #209 "HEY THAT'S MY NUMBER! OOOOH YEAH!" but wait... remember what I said before... The Mom and her two kids stood baffled. Her kids aren't getting a wii today, but then two of the group of three that got the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th said that they were all together and handed their ticket to the Mom and another couple that waited with us for 20-30 minutes so basically everybody who stood out there and rightfully should get a Wii, Got a Wii!
I felt great coming home at 7:13am, I was punch drunk happy and instead of crawling into bed... I hooked up and played my wii!
Good Times... Good Times...
Now time to get some sleep, because I still have to work tomorrow morning :P
~J out
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I want to talk about this with some perspective. To say that the sub-prime mortgage fiasco is whats causing this economic slow down and ultimately the source of an alleged recession is like saying that an oil spill off the coast of Coos Bay only affected fish. This doomsday recession has been a long time coming and we should not be surprised.
Who is to blame? Everybody... You, Me, Big Business, Small Business, China, Japan, The World, perhaps Mars and other aligned planets. So if we're all to blame then how it is that it all came down to this?
It all starts years ago when companies who are planets in of themselves got trumped by unlikely players... Retail. Walmart in the most demeaning way under a Regan Ran system should not of had the power to wield prices and force industry to change their practices to be competitive. In the ideal economical since, manufacturers of goods should set the price based on the parts needed, energy costs to make it, and the labor costs to assemble... add to that the profit margin and divide that by the estimated number of demand and you have what retail stores should just accept as the cheapest price which they mark up and now tee shirts that are 79 cents are now 7 bucks, but it all comes back us and fuels the economy since that tee shirt worker ends up renting a car for some reason and passing your money you paid their company back to your company that gets returned to you through a pay check. It's cyclical, but that is if we do things strictly with in the North American boundaries. To save money or to supply demand, production could go as far south as Guatemala or North to Canada, but in some way it would all come back.
This is just manufacturing and we know that the power structure is whacked. Our demand for unreasonably underpriced goods is causing one portion of the economic pyramid to weaken.
The plot thickens further.
Housing prices experienced a boom when the new notion that a house didn't cost $100,000, but rather $100/mo housing spiked. Now a regular income family could not just afford one house, but 2 and sell the second one to fund their child's education or to have a secure retirement. Prime mortgages did similar duty, but if you couldn't afford the down payment it didn't matter. With now "Short Term Sub-prime" a couple who should be starting in a hoopty shack can buy a supremo Fresh Prince of Bel Air house, live in it for 4-5 years and sell it for a bigger castle. Well... guess what... They really couldn't because it was only a matter of time (5 years of the good times) before the chips were called and no one wanted in.
The list of bloopers go on and to be honest.... we all bonked.
America dried up and we were starving for water, but eventually we sucked up the whole world's assets and we're still thirsty.
Bottom line: We're in seriously bad shape
Time to be worried: Now
Nothing short term can literally fix this. This fiasco took a decade or more to get in and it's going to take two decades to get out.
Jobs are going to be scarce, People who would visit the quaint tourist town are staying home this decade, and gas..... gas is going to make a Geo Metro a luxury car since it'll spike.
The costs are going to be profound world wide. Soon the Euro and British saviors who rushed to America to suck up "bargains" due to our outrageously low currency are also not going to be able to 'joy ride' to America since what happens here (i.e. multi-national corporations) will resonate where ever the counter parts exist.
Depression? If so... it won't be like some 30's version depression. Debt will sky rocket and no amount of credit cards will cover it. To consolidate debt will render huge costs and we'll eventually be forced to choose what we buy, not choose freely. It won't be pretty... Boutique shops will suffer and if it continues even monster giant starbucks will downsize to save itself.
This writer's strike is a luxury for writers who are able to do so, but I predict the demand that once was there for them might get cut and a regular uncompromised wage they were earning could be replaced with a layoff. And HDTV mandates worsen the whole structure even more since it not only effects consumers who have to ditch their TV's and buy $1500 HDTV's, but whole TV stations are being given a death warrant to change or die (since an SD signal will be outlawed).
The snap back to reality is going to hard and swift, but if you start now the impact will lessen. It's important, though counter intuitive, that when "experts" tell you to "spend your cash; save the world" that's a cue to save everything including all pennies on the dollar.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Why Not McCain...
It’s public knowledge that I and this blog are both for the Presidential Candidate John McCain, but in the interest of complete fairness I want to, indepth, explain why you should *not* vote for John McCain.
John McCain is old, at 71 he’s seen more in his life then countless other men half his age have seen or done, and McCain has at least seen twice as much as dozen of other men his age. He is an archive of history unto himself and thus heavenly biased to an ideology he developed through out his years. At the beginning of the 60’s (1965+) McCain was already 28, two years under the so called “untrusting age” of 30. Already a graduate of the
To add to his age, which makes him one half steps in front of the Boomers (age wise) and one half steps behind in cultural relevance, McCain is a Maverick. A self serving Man who got into politics because it was cool at the time. McCain’s devotion to others is symbolic to how he views himself. His service in
Finally McCain, for all the straight talk, doesn’t sit square with the Party he’s associated with for nearly a quarter century. McCain would best serve as the leader of the McCain party, but that too would be problematic since independent
Above all McCain is his own self promoting Surge. The McCain surge is more or less a purge that is likely to upset all Americans at one point in the McCain presidency. The best reason to not vote McCain is that McCain is what actual change is-- and more over, McCain would be the first one to tell you…
It’s not going to be pretty.
~J out
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Big Test
Yes tomorrow is my big ASTB Officer Candidate's School Test that will either help qualify me to take that next step in my dream of becoming a Naval Officer or blow my any chance of me even trying.
It's basically a win or lose thing. I have three tries and tomorrow is try 1. If my score sucks then I can re-take a month later.. But that's not my go to plan. Plan A: Do well!
Let's Go for Plan A. Wish me luck!
~J out
Monday, January 14, 2008
On Demand
I was told one time by my International Affairs professor that he believed that this On Demand, including youTube, wasn't sustainable and would 'break' the internet. Of course the truth is that technology will adapt to make On Demand faster, better, and in high definition... but it's a possibility that On Demand has the capability of breaking us. Our lives are ironically slowly moving to a On Demand culture which feeds off of instant gratification. I imagine without some sort of control we'll create a society in which we create "On Demand" relationships where we fast forward through the small talk and get right on to the main part then quickly reboot and head to another poor soul.
For a fact I've seen it in the way we treat religion. We treat God like a God On Demand, and shockingly it doesn't work that way.
Worst of all we can't handle or stand anyone who isn't instantaneous, like people over the age 60. Our solution is to put them in a slow home so that they don't interfere with our high paced On Demand world.
The bottom line is that technology is great if we can grasp that we're not computers that can move as blazingly fast (nor do we want too). Technology is wonderful, including On Demand, if we can understand and value in our society that somethings need time and patients.
So calm down and slow down today, take a break from an On Demand world, and appreciate what we have by trying to focus on how to better those relationships with others, but most of all ourselves (and that also includes our body which often gets neglected the most!).
Oh and stay +Positive today as well!
~J out.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My McCain Space
I put a link in the left links menu, but here's the URL
~J out
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
John McCain wins by 5 points!
9:02 p.m. - Nashua, New Hampshire
My Friends -
It's happened again! With your incredible support John McCain has won the New Hampshire primary!
And as we know, it's not over yet - the toughest times are ahead of us.
Enjoy the victory with us tonight, but we need you to do two things before you head to bed this evening.
- Make a Donation. We have a lot of campaigning to do in Michigan, South Carolina, Nevada, Florida and beyond.
- After you've made your donation, then send this letter to three of your friends or family and ask them to get on board too.
We've been in this together since the beginning and we can't move forward without your help.
Many thanks,
Rick Davis
Campaign Manager
It may seem like McCain is winning the inevitability of the nominee, but as Davis points out... The toughest times are ahead of McCain. In 2000, McCain pulled a victory in Michigan but South Carolina is going to be one tough battle ground.
This election cannot be decided by anyone, the vote is up to the voters (perhaps) for once. Coming up, however, will be a flurry of swift boat ads that will try to derail McCain. In 2000, Bush used plants to discredit and anger McCain which hurt his chances for the GOP nomination.
Keep your eye out for Bush supporting Neo cons. This sleigh group appears to be a fickle bunch that may steal away votes for McCain. Perhaps these voters need to be reminded what John McCain did (to the hurt of '00 McCain Supporters) for G.W. Bush. His endorsement was insurance for a solid '08 support and now more then ever he needs it.
Look, Iowa shows what socially influenced America are gun-ho for; NH shows what Economically Secular influenced Americans are gun-ho for.. This is why McCain can win and win big..
Why McCain is the best Candidate to Take on Democrats Hillary and even Obama is because as NH showed us the independent voters came out in droves for McCain rather then going for popular independent Obama. If you compare them: 44% of swing voters in swing states are backing McCain over Obama's 40%. While that doesn't seem like much now, the boost NH (and soon Michigan) will give to McCain can tighten up those numbers even further. In addition, if Hillary got the Democratic nominee then independents who are more moderate will likely swing towards McCain... These are those voters that in 2000 voted for John Kerry (like me).. Couple together those voters with the half of republicans who voted for McCain NH against the GOP love child Romney and you have a critical frame work for success.
This race isn't over, but take a clue from New Hampshire voters. NH voters said with their vote that even though the media called McCain dead in the polls.. Straight talk and truth conquers indecision.
I said it last time and I'll say it again. McCain's appeal is that he isn't going to format the country like many candidates think is necessary. McCain is solidly for revamping the bureaucracy so that it works again. For so long we've forgotten how a good working bureaucracy works. We've become so disenchanted with the corruption that now we just want to throw all of it away (like we do with everything else that doesn't work) and get a *new* one. We don't need a new America, we just need to fix the one we got.
Remember that is not what you say, but is what you've done that counts. Pundits said McCain couldn't come back and their wrong, Democrats hailed the surge would fail and they are shocked at it's success. Take the actions of McCain into consideration as I have and you'll see what I mean.
~J out
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Switching Gears to the Presidential Race
I currently support McCain, John McCain for number of reasons. This is a big shift from the democratic support of John Kerry last election cycle (2004), but my reasons are simple enough. We're in transition from 16 years of polarization where the race was divided sharply by two colors. The goals for 2000 and 2004 wasn't for landslide victories, but for a marginal 51%. This whole polarizing thrust has pitted Americans against Americans in a political civil war when we should be united by a common bond, under good leadership, to recover our trust in government and follow one flag and one national animal (the Eagle vs. an elephant or donkey).
Politics has corrupted our view of the next president. We're like a young democracy again because we're faced with a choice with no inevitable front runner or juggernaut candidate. This is where John McCain fits in.
The "front runners" as of now are young and inexperienced. Their presidency would would be riddled with unknowns and no proven way to lead through tough and challenging times. Iraq, for example, to pull out of Iraq puts thousands of troops at risk for a frontal assault on fleeting Americans by embolden *bad* Iraqis. No matter how you powder coat it, our leaving will leave a vacuum to be filled by somebody potentially worse then Saddam. Those who believe in democracy will get trampled by Moderate Islamic extremists who are not followers of the peaceful Islam, but the violent jihadist one. McCain, for no other reason then fact, has been the most involved in this conflict. Not one to join the anti-war banter, John McCain was determined to voice his support for a surge in '03 which would have established a better security profile then what we have today. That's not to say it can't work out that way in the next four years...McCain has pinned his candidacy on the surge and it's working (for the most part), so my guess is that the only way out of Iraq is through a motivated surge of Iraqi support which will come when Iraqis have jobs, are selling stuff, and have a stable place to live and raise a family. Idealistic perhaps, but it's possible if we rally around Iraq and support their democracy rather then cry out for withdrawl.
The McCain presidency, as we know will only be 1 term. McCain has stated it and repeatedly states it. I call this four years "the purge." The purge stops the Red/Blue presidential paradigm shift where Republicans feel disenchanted for 8 years, then the democrats get disenchanted for 8 years then back and forth. Instead "The Purge" is like a surge of bi-partisanship where we rid the nation of Neo-conservatism and instate a new style of positive-progressive forward democracy and diplomacy. A new lease on life will reshape the 21st century to a more humane and liked America globally. The purge will also allow Obama and Huckabee to gain more experience and leadership. The Freshman from Illinois would relinquish his freshman status in four years and be a real forward front runner for 2012. Huckabee could also take his momentum from this election to establish a real house hold presence bringing America back on track!
The next four years shouldn't be a prosecution of Bush neither (despite our urge to do so); McCain's purge reshuffles our the deck and shapes America back into a respected country by using the hand we have now, rather then issuing a new hand. Obama, while a remarkable person, would have a fantastically stronger message if Iraq was more secured and settled, our credibility, globally, was restored, and Americans had a renewed faith in Presidential leadership. McCain's message isn't war, corruption, or neo-conservatism; McCain's message is about human dignity and how America needs to refocus on being a beacon of light and a defender of human rights world wide.
More to come as I analyze/comment on the McCain presidency.
(look for a link to the left and a soon-to-come link to my own McCain Space Page!)
~J out.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
New PC Endeavor- HTPC
The last build was an upgrade from my trusty AMD/MSI computer that lasted me years. I posted on it before, but I've since learned a lot about PC's. My newest endeavor will be a different type of PC. Fully linux and all media based. The abbreviation for it is "HTPC" or "Home Theater Personal Computer." Here's the gist:
The HTPC is not half media center/tv/radio and half computer, but fully Media Center/HDTV/Radio and Computer. It's a lot like today's video game systems like the XBOX 360, The Wii, etc. except this version is a PC. Here's how it works (simple ver.)
You have a TV, a cable box (your TV Ant.), and a Amp + this HTPC. The HTPC is responsible for all visuals that go to the TV. So everything you see on the TV is ran by the computer. The Computer controls your TV, DVD, Radio, Music Media, Movie Media, TV Recording, DVD Burning, etc. and your cable box just plugs into the HTPC.
Advantages: The advantage with a HTPC is that it consolidates and simplifies the media experience. If you have an Amp, Radio, CD Player/DVD player, DVD-Recorder, etc etc then you end up with 15 remotes and an "turn-on" sequence that rivals NASA's countdown to launch procedure. A HTPC does it all with one remote.. from TV and TV recording on the fly to browsing the internet with firefox or opera.
Weighing in on all the options, I've chosen this method over the rival methods of media management (ie XBOX, Wii, TiVo, etc.). The reason why are simply
A) Building PC's are cool
B) Upgrades come out frequently for cheap*
C) It's a PC that can be modded easily
D) More software options and add-on's then stock firmware/video game OS's
*One upgrade that will drop in the next year is a Blu-Ray DVD+/-R internal drive which I'll be able swap out the DVD Recorder I got now and put that one in.
There's ton's more stuff, google HTPC for all the possibilities, but getting down to brass tacks mine is going to be unique.

Bottom line... It's going to be great.. I already have case and PS (The Antec Fusion Black 430 Media Ctr with an antec 430w ps) and I got parts on the way.
I'll post pics of the build as I get the parts in... but here's a general spec of what will be in it.
- Case (Pictured): Antec Fusion Black 430 Media Center
- Pwr. Supply: Antec 430w Super Quiet
- Mobo: Biostar TForce TF7050-MZ NVidia GeForce 7050PV HDMI mATX AM2
- Video: On board GeForce 7050PV/NF630a Chipset Shared 256MB
- CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ Brisbane 2.1 GHz Socket AM2 65w Dual Core Processor
- RAM: Kingston 1GB pair of 512MB 240pin DDR2 SDRam DDR2 800 PC2 6400
- Media: Lite-On 20x DVD +/-R DVD Burner Black IDE
- TV Card: pcHDTV HD-5500 HDTV PCI Card
- Hard Drive: Seagate 320GB 8MB Cache IDE
- LAN: Gigabit Lan + Belkin Wireless Desktop 802.11G Network Card
More to come on this exiting build...
Friday, January 04, 2008
I've actually been working for the weekend!
Go figure.
Good Job Huckabee.. Once I find out what a Huckabee is I'll be on board.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Happy New Year Everybody!
I watched Jay Leno last night, no beard.. but it was an unpolished side of Jay. Kind of like.. "Hey I'm back on the show, but I'm just skipping until I get some interviews."
Unpolished Jay was alright though... I enjoyed it.
Then there's Iowa.. I mean come on... The future president has to win Iowa? How many people care that are not from Iowa or front runner states? I heard that if a candidate does win Iowa and New Hampshire then it's over for them... What about winning California? New York? Florida? or Texas?
This will sound derogatory of course, but when I imagine an Iowan caucus I have this vivid image of the Lord of the Rings tree herders gathering around in a circle to discuss whether or not they'll go to war, and the candidates are bouncing up and down like the hobbits telling them to hurry up! One reporter from NBC said that the Dem's caucus starts at 6:30 Central and might go as long as 9-10pm. The GOP caucus apparently starts at 7 and could go all through the night. This is definitely going to be one exiting night, maybe when we're done will throw a barn dance! Ok maybe that's too far, but I feel jibed that I couldn't and won't be able to attend a New Hampshire or Iowa town hall meeting with Hillary, McCain, or the others. Remember John Kerry? The most I remember was that I got to stand on (I think) the Hawthorn bridge and watch him speak at the amphitheater. Tough break I suppose for us who aren't in the center of the storm.
As it progresses (that is the campaigns) I've spotted two theme categories: The one the candidates want to put forward as "the debate" and the real underlying debate.
These big themes seem not to be experience or change (that's the debate the candidates want to frame it as), but independence. I'm speculating here, but it seems that people are tired of the Rove Rule that candidates only need to appeal to 51% of the populous. I mean what a shocker it would be to have a land-slide candidate?! And the only way I see that happening is to mobilize young voters to put their WiiMotes, handhelds, etc. down and vote for a change.
In Washington State they literally mail you a ballot for the general election. It behooves youth to get involved and register so that they can have a piece of the pie.. However, there's little hope of that happening if nothing has changed from 2000 or '04. I sound like I did days after the John Kerry defeat. Everyone who got involved in John Kerry knew that the outcome might have been different if the youth came out to vote, all the "get out the vote" stuff seemed to be a failed experiment. Regardless, we need to encourage young people once again, with a new revived vigor, to vote when they're given the opportunity, even if they're too young, because making "voting" as desirable as getting a license would literally change the political dynamics of America.
I get a feeling that youth are more independent then their parents at the same age. All a republican needs to do is revise "Reganizm" and sell it not as "I'm just like Ronald Regan," but as neo-republicanism. Youth, including me, do not know or have never felt the effects of Ronald Regan (because we're 3 or 4 yrs old at the time) and so Republicans who want to connect with youth will either have to reform their message to make since for us, or make it clear what the ideals of Ronald Regan was (and what he did) on the Wiki page of Wikipedia.
We'll see how this turns out... It's really torqued my head around.. luckily I don't have to figure who I'll vote for until late Feb. or March.
Good times and Kudo's to anybody who is still track'n with what's going on.